RECIPE: Fish Tacos
While not everyday can be Taco Tuesday (which is a bummer,) I just love eating a nicely constructed taco. Steak and chicken are my go-tos, but I decided to try making a fried fish version, and they were absolutely divine. Not the healthiest of options, but a darn delectable one, that's for sure.

Beer-Battered Fish Tacos Recipe
Serving size: 12 tacos | Time: 1 hour with prep
・ Fresh halibut / cod / tilapia -- I purchased 1lb. of tilapia & cut it up into 2 oz sizes
・ Flour or Corn tortillas
・ 1 qt oil for frying
・ Flour
・ Toppings such as purple cabbage, tomatoes, cilantro, charred corn, red onions
For the batter:
・ 1 cup flour
・ 2 tbsp cornstarch
・ 1/2 tsp salt
・ 1 egg
・ 1 tsp baking powder
・ 1 cup beer
For the sauce:
・ 1/4 cup mayo
・ 2/3 cup plain, unflavored yogurt
・ Juice of 1 lime
・ 1 minced japaleno pepper
・ 1 tsp minced capers
・ 1 tsp cayenne pepper
・ 1/2 tbsp italian seasoning
1. Beer batter - Combine all dry ingredients (flour, cornstarch, salt, baking powder) in a large bowl. Blend in the egg and beer. Stir together and set aside.
2. Sauce - Mix together yogurt & mayo. Add in lime juice. Stir. Top with the rest of the ingredients (jalapenos, capers, italian seasoning, cayenne pepper.)
3. Heat up a deep fryer OR a deep saucepan with oil.
4. Sprinkle fish with flour. Dredge in beer batter and fry until crispy and golden. Place on paper towel lined plate to drain.
5. Lightly warm up tortillas in a pan.
6. To serve, place fish on tortilla, add the toppings and finish with sauce.